The American thinker Mark Lilla
raises the question of Europe's character on the world stage.
The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine is an attack on Europe. European values, democracy.
Some of the richest, most advanced, happiest and most egalitarian countries in the world are being challenged by a country whose men do not even live to 65 on average and whose economic potency is only a fraction of that of the West. The world's elite is threatened by 50-year-old tanks, missile attacks on schools and atrocities against civilians.
In the short term, the Russian threat seems to unite Europe. But what are the medium and long-term consequences of Russian aggression? How must Europe reposition itself politically, economically, militarily, but also culturally to stand up to totalitarian regimes?
In-depth opening discussion by Vendeline von Bredow, The Economist, with
Vendeline von Bredow
The Economist
Mark Lilla
Professor for Humanities and writer, New York City
Followed by a panel discussion with
Special guests:
The debate will also be chaired by Vendeline von Bredow, Senior Germany Correspondent of The Economist.