November 4th 2022

Who does it best?

Public workshop

The European Railway


Wouldn't the railway be the perfect means of transport for Europe? With pan-European high-speed lines, travel times could be shortened and Europe could be strengthened politically and economically. Moreover, as has recently been rediscovered, the railway is ecological. So why do large parts of Europe have such a hard time with the railway? What would have to change for the once famous slogan of the Swiss Federal Railways „The smart one takes the train" to be applied to the whole of Europe?
Keynote speech
“The smart one rides the train”
Peter Stamm

Plaidoyer for a European railway:
Peter Stamm, writer.

In-depth opening discussion

In-depth opening discussion by Cécile Boutelet, Le Monde, with

Cécile Boutelet Le Monde

Cécile Boutelet
Le Monde

Georges Gilkinet Belgium's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mobility, Brussels

Georges Gilkinet
Belgium's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mobility, Brussels (remote)

Public Workshop
Let's be visionary and hyper-realistic: let's dream the dream of a European railway organization

- combining the best of all national railways: Swiss efficiency and punctuality, French speed, Czech hospitality
- connecting countries, cities and communities through efficient and ecological public transportation

Now, how do we get that done?
And above all: how could Europe-wide coordination and planning be achieved in practice?

These leading European railway experts discuss these issues with you:

  • Dominik Brühwiler
    Director Zurich Transport Network
  • Ed Butcher
    HS1 Limited, Head of Business Development, London
  • Katja Christ
    Member of the Commission for Transport and Telecommunications in the Swiss National Council, Basel
  • Eric Cosandey
    CEO SMA and Partners, Zurich
  • Floire Nathanael Daub
    Founder of 8 million City, City Leadership practitioner and CEO of SPACEGROUP, Oslo
  • Alexander Ernert
    Director Government Relations Europe of Trainline, Paris
  • Balthasar Glättli
    Swiss National Councillor and President of the Green Party of Switzerland, Zurich
  • Dariush Kowsar
    Director for European Affairs SNCF Réseau, Paris
  • Susanne Henckel
    State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport, Berlin
  • Vincent Kaufmann
    Asociate Professor of urban sociology and mobility at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
  • Isabel Pfaff
    Correspondent of the Süddeutsche Zeitung in Switzerland
  • Jon Pult
    President of the Committees for Transport and Telecommunications in the Swiss National Council, Chur
  • Ulrich Weidmann
    Ulrich Weidmann, Professor for Transport Systems / Vice President for Infrastructure at ETH Zurich

The debate will be co-chaired by Cécile Boutelet, Le Monde, and Simon Strauss, Frankfurter Allgemeine. Knowledge partner is SMA and Partners Ltd.