Images from recent events
EUROPEAN BLEND Weekend: 50 shades of green, Zurich
In his keynote speech, Armin Nassehi talks about the difficulties politicians have in changing citizens' habits, especially when it comes to climate protection.
Government Councilor Martin Neukom takes the floor. Moderator Simon Strauss of the F.A.Z. listens with amusement.
Green and Green. Anton Hofreiter, Chairman of the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union in the German Bundestag (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) and the green-liberal Breitling CEO Georges Kern argue about the right shade of green.
Tiana Moser, parliamentary group leader of the Green Liberals in the National Council, intervenes.
Thinking AI along: Joachim Buhmann, Professor for Computer Science at ETH Zurich, on the question of whether and how artificial intelligence could help in the actual implementation of climate protection.
Moderator Simon Strauss, editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, knows his way around the Greens, whether ideologically or in terms of national borders, on both sides.
EUROPEAN BLEND Weekend: An introduction to a claim: Who does it best?, Zurich
The Eastern European historian Karl Schlögel on the every day life in Ukraine.
Swiss-German top manager Christoph Franz wonders what Europe can learn from Swiss tax competition.
Femal Finance Enterpreneur Nadine Jürgensen on food in Europe.
EUROPEAN BLEND Weekend: Zurich-London-Express, Zurich
Manuel Renold on how digital solutions can significantly speed up international train traffic.
Jon Pult, President of the Committees for Transport and Telecommunications in the Swiss National Councils.
Gery Balmer, Vice Director Federal Office of Transport.
Philipp Maeder, Director of International Passenger Traffic SBB and President of TGV Lyria, and Andrea Sorg, founder of European Blend, take notes.
Alexander Ernert, of Trainline, Paris, speaks and Ed Butcher, of HS1, London, listens attentively.
Cécile Boutelet, the moderator of the workshop, asks a question.
EUROPEAN BLEND Weekend: Introduction to European Blend, Zurich
Simon Kuper, in conversation with Andrea Sorg, is a true European Blender.
Theatrewoman Hayat Erdoğan on her German-Turkish roots and her life and work in Zurich.
Headhunter Bjørn Johansson speaks many languages and searches for candidates all over the world.
Massimo Salgaro knows a lot about digital humanities, researches reading behaviour in a digital context and grew up bilingual in South Tyrol.
Simon Kuper on the importance of foreign languages and cultural identities.
Proud Norwegian who feels Swiss.
EUROPEAN BLEND Weekend: Clash of Civilization, Zurich
Karl Schlögel analyses the situation in Ukraine with eight theses.
Planning in scenarios, says Barbar Kux, is indispensable for companies in times of crisis.
Jan-Werner Müller gives nuance to the "Clash Civiliazation".
Carolyne de Gruyter sees the security issue dominating everything in Brussels at the moment.
Government Councillor Jacqueline Fehr gets involved. On the left, moderator Simon Kuper, Financial Times, listens attentively.
Frank Schimmelfennig, ETH Zurich, is responsible for the ad hoc analysis. Alongside him was his colleague Joachim Buhmann, who covered the "Thinking AI along" aspect.
EUROPEAN BLEND Festival: European Railway, Zurich
The German State Secretary responsible for the German Taktfahrplan, Susanne Henckel, makes a point.
Eric Cosandey, CEO of Zurich-based SMA und Partner AG, in conversation with Ed Butcher, head of business development at HS1 Limited in London.
Concentrated railway know-how from all over Europe.
The Swiss bestselling author Peter Stamm introduces.
The presenter Cécile Boutelet from Le Monde leads the debate with authority.
Andrea Sorg, founder of the EUROPEAN BLEND Festival at the final briefing with participants of the workshop "European Railway".
EUROPEAN BLEND Festival: Peace and War made in Europe, Zurich
Harold James, professor of History & International Affairs, Princeton University, speaks while Caroline de Gruyter, European columnist, NRC Handelsblad in Amsterdam, listens attentively.
Laurent Goetschel, director swisspeace, Basel, speaks.
Alla Sarbach, active member of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Switzerland, Zurich, brings in her perspective.
Harold James is speaking. Leaning into the picture is Staffan Lindberg, professor of political science at the University of Gothenburg.
Swiss-Russian writer Mikhail Shishkin speaks on the question of whether there is hope for Russia.
Concentrated forreign affairs know-how from all over Europe and North America.
EUROPEAN BLEND Festival: Global Europe, Zurich
Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University, in his element.
Harold James at the centre of the debate.
Staffan Lindberg, Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, speaks. Next to him, Sanija Ameti, Co-President Operation Libero, Zurich, listens attentively.
Vendeline von Bredow, Senior Germany Correspondent of The Economist, leads the debate with ease.
Barbara Kux, a member of the supervisory boards of Henkel and Firmenich and a member of the international advisory board of Adobe, Zurich.
The illustrious audience in Zurich's Kulturhaus Kosmos.
European Event: Luck and misfortune, Berlin
The Swiss writer Adolf Muschg and the member of the Bundestag Wofgang Schäuble listen attentively.
Ping Pong of the philosopher with the statesman.
View of the stage of the Deutsche Theater Berlin.
The (intellectual) sky is the limit.
Friedericke Haupt, political correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung in Berlin challenges Adolf Muschg.
Ingeborg Schäuble (left) and Atsuko Kanto-Muschg sit in the front row and have fun.
European Event: Green revolution in times of war, Zurich
President of the State of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann.
Vice-Chairman of Blackrock Philipp Hildebrand speaks while Swiss National Councillor Corina Gredig listens.
Swiss National Councillor Corina Gredig speaks while Vice-Chairman of Blackrock Philipp Hildebrand listens.
Corina Gredig listens attentively to Winfried Kretschmann's statement.
Philipp Hildebrand has the floor.
The moderator Johannes Ritter, Switzerland correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, leads the debate with ease.
European Event: Small, multilingual and rich, Zurich
Jean Asselborn, Foreign Minister of Luxembourg, speaks while Tiana Moser, Swiss National Councillor and President of the Foreign Affairs Commission, and Jürgen Trittin, Member of the German Bundestag and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee there, listen.
Jürgen Trittin and the writer Lukas Bärfuss have fun.
Presenter and Swiss F.A.Z. correspondent Johannes Ritter in his element.
Jean Asselborn and Tiana Mosser.
Stage design in the Zurich Kosmos.
ETH Professor of European integration Frank Schimmelfennig in an ad-hoc analysis of the debate.
Leading minds thinking Europe
Sanija Ameti
Jean Asselborn
Gery Balmer
Lukas Bärfuss
Vendeline von Bredow
Dominik Brühwiler
Cécile Boutelet
Joachim M. Buhmann
Ed Butcher
Lars Erik Cederman
Eva Cetinic
Katja Christ
Eric Cosandey
Floire Nathanael Daub
Hayat Erdoğan
Alexander Ernert
Jacqueline Fehr
Anne Fournier
Christoph Franz
Balthasar Glättli
Laurent Goetschel
Corina Gredig
Caroline de Gruyter
Kristian Berg Harpviken
Susanne Henckel
Philipp Hildebrand
Anton Hofreiter
Harold James
Bjørn Johansson
Nadine Jürgensen
Georges Kern
Dariush Kowsar
Winfried Kretschmann
Simon Kuper
Barbara Kux
Staffan Lindberg
Philipp Mäder
Tiana Moser
Adolf Muschg
Jan-Werner Müller
Armin Nassehi
Martin Neukom
Isabel Pfaff
Jon Pult
Manuel Renold
Amandine Ruffieux
Massimo Salgaro
Alla Sarbach
Wolfgang Schäuble
Frank Schimmelfennig
Karl Schlögel
Mikhail Shishkin
Peter Stamm
Simon Strauss
Jürgen Trittin
Peter Unfried