October 6th 2023

Who does it best?

Introduction to European Blend


Instead of a theoretical introduction to the term "European Blend" and the basic idea of the European Blend Weekend, we will put it to the test with three exemplary "European Blenders".

Since we can't do without a little theory, we have invited an expert who coordinated the largest European research project on the influence of digitisation on reading practice, which led to the so-called Stavanger Declaration. Are multilingualism and foreign language learning still necessary in the digital world?
Hayat Erdoğan

Hayat Erdoğan, co-director of the Neumarkt Theatre

Simon Kuper

Bjørn Johansson, headhunter and founder of Dr. Bjørn Johansson Associates in Zurich

Simon Kuper

Simon Kuper, columnist of the Financial Times

Thinking AI along
Eva Cetinic

Massimo Salgaro, Professor at the University of Verona and specialist in "digital humanities"

Presented by
Cecile Boutelet, Le Monde

Andrea Sorg, founder of the European Blend Weekend

Languages: German, English, Norwegian, Italian (without simultaneous translation)