October 7th 2023

Who does it best?

An introduction to a claim: Who does it best?


Prominent guests will bring our claim "Who does it best?" to life by sharing experiences or ideas they think are worth emulating across Europe.
Nadine Jürgensen

Nadine Jürgensen, female finance entrepreuneur

Karl Schlögel

Karl Schlögel, renowned historian of Eastern Europe (e.g. The Soviet Century and American Matrix)

Jan-Werner Müller

Jan-Werner Müller, Professor of Politics at Princeton University (e.g. What is populism?)

Cyril Schäublin

Cyril Schäublin, the director of Unrueh

Christoph Franz

Christoph Franz, top Swiss-German manager (e.g. Roche, Zurich Insurance, Lufthansa, Stadler or Swiss)

Anne Fournier

Anne Fournier, the voice of radio in French-speaking Switzerland

Georges Kern

Georges Kern, CEO Breitling


They will be interviewed by

Cécile Boutelet Le Monde

Cécile Boutelet
Le Monde

Vendeline von Bredow

Vendeline von Bredow
The Economist

Thinking AI along
Eva Cetinic

Eva Cetinic, Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich

Languages: German, English, French (without simultaneous translation)