6 and 7 October 2023

European Blend Weekend

Who does it best?

European Blend is the festival about the future of Europe and all things European in the 21st century. Why not learn from those who are already doing something well today?

The Europe United Society is organising the ideas and discussion festival European Blend Weekend for the second time. This year, European Blend will take place at the Neumarkt Theatre and the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, Switzerland.

Europe is in the midst of a multi-layered epochal Zeitwende. The second edition of the European Blend Weekend will therefore focus on solutions to the three most relevant issues of the year. On the one hand, global warming ("Zurich-London-Express" and "50 shades of green"). On the other hand, with the war in Eastern Europe ("Clash of Civilization").

A third focus is the topic of AI, which is explicitly considered by specialists in each theme and thus represents a real focal point.

In an entertaining opening event on Friday evening, we will introduce you to real-life "European Blenders". And earlier on Saturday evening, celebrity guests will bring our claim "Who does it best?" to life by sharing experiences or ideas they think are worthy of emulation across Europe.

Join us and discuss with leaders from politics, business, culture, science and civil society. Let's talk about ideas and concrete solutions to the challenges facing Europe. Who has the best approach? How can something be changed? Join the European debate - be it at the events, in your bathing dress or swimming trunks ("European lido culture") or at the bar ("European Blend bar"). Be part of the European Blend Weekend.

The European Blend Weekend is a Swiss-Scandinavian initiative of the Europe United Society.

We are multilingual. Deutsch. Français. English. Capito? Forstått?
Media Coverage (2022)

European Railway

Echo der Zeit, 11 December 2022: Europas Bahnen bräuchten einen gemeinsamen Taktfahrplan

Tages Anzeiger, 4 November 2022: «Wir können sehr viel lernen von der Schweiz»

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 26 December 2022: Die Romantik der Lokomotiven

Peace and war Made in Europe

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 November 2022: «Europa muss offen bleiben für ein Russland nach Putin»


The second edition of the European Blend Weekend is made possible by the following partners:

ETH Board

Canton of Zurich
Department of Economic Affairs
Office for Economy and Labour

Chocolats Camille Bloch

ETH Zurich

Mariner 3S


Stadler Rail


The main knowledge partner of European Blend is

ETH Zürich

The translation partner is


Location partners

Theater Neumarkt

Cabaret Voltaire

Cooperation with the media

The events of the second edition of European Blend will be hosted by journalists from the following media:

Network partners

Europäische Bewegung Schweiz

Operation Libero